
Earthworm Towers: Building and Using Them in Your Permaculture Garden

Permaculture gardening is like orchestrating a symphony with nature—an artful balance of sustainability, regeneration, and harmony within ecosystems. At its heart lies an appreciation for earthworms, nature’s soil engineers, pivotal in fortifying soil fertility and structure. Enter the ingenious solution in permaculture design: DIY worm towers. These not only harness earthworms’ abilities but also elevate …

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Vegetable Gardening with Dogs: Safe Plants for Your Furry Companions

Vegetable gardening is undoubtedly an incredibly gratifying activity that can provide some much-needed relaxation and stress relief, especially when you’re accompanied by a furry friend. Gardening with your dogs can quickly turn into an interactive and memorable experience, allowing you to enjoy each other’s company, bask in fresh air, and create a beautiful outdoor space …

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Growing Abundance: Hugelkultur Beds And Sustainable Permaculture Gardening

Permaculture is a way of gardening that is all about sustainability and working in harmony with the natural world. It’s a way of growing your own food using organic methods and natural resources. One of the amazing techniques used in permaculture is hugelkultur beds, which are essentially raised garden beds that are made from a …

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The Best Animals for Small Urban Homesteads or Farms

Animals are extremely beneficial for homesteads, they can provide provide a source of food such as eggs, milk, and meat, which can be consumed by homesteaders or sold for additional income.Other advantages range from reducing food waste and fertilizing gardens to controlling insect populations. Some can even provide companionship and emotional support.By including animals on …

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20 Ways You Can Become More Self-Sufficient

Have you ever considered the concept of self-sufficient living? It’s becoming more and more popular nowadays as many people are looking for ways to lower their monthly expenses and increase their sense of security. While achieving complete self-sufficiency in today’s world can be challenging, adopting self-sufficient practices to varying degrees can lead to a more …

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Beneficial Insects in permaculture: Attracting and Nurturing Pollinators

Ladybugs- a valuable beneficial insect to attract to your garden I have fond memories of my grandparents sending my younger self out to the garden with a bucket. I was given instructions to collect all the caterpillars that were munching on their lettuce. Back then, I thought I was performing a vital role in the …

Beneficial Insects in permaculture: Attracting and Nurturing Pollinators Read More »